Dive With Us “The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” Jacques Cousteau What we do We’re a San Diego based scuba diving club with our own boat, we frequently dive the local wrecks and kelp, come dive with us. Diving the HMCS YukonWe dive the local wrecks, reefs and kelp Pulling up Anchor after the diveAll members assist with anchoring, docking, mooring etc. Deep DivesWe also offer deep dives for those qualified and certified to do so Summer Picnic Yearly potluck style picnic, membership drive an raffle where we share stories and enjoy food together Explore Dive with usWe dive the local wrecks, kelp beds and sometimes deep dives for qualified divers SponsorsA special thanks to our sponsors, House of Scuba, San Diego Divers and Beyond Land Adventures Donate